Wednesday, 13 June 2012

the final

the last project....Final Car Trace....

the progress......

first :- masukkn gmbr black n white dlm sketch tracer

then :- untuk start sketch,msuk ke free style command...
 all part of car trace using 3d curve line...

then...for tires n rim part...using imagine n shape...

and for rendering...i put on part design command...

lastly..the render scene.......

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

credit for catia..toothy time

my newest project...using imagine n shape...made are cartoon!!!! wawww daebak!!
tp xdaebak mne pn...xjd sngat pn...i made cartoon Toothy happy tree friend....lalalalalala :)

owrait...comel lah Toothy saya yg cacat....SEKIAN.. :)

another credit for catia

4 second project,tracing car bonnet....n i trace bmw bonnet....whatever it is,i'll still learning... so it's not perfect at all... :)

wahhh daebak!!!!

catia workz.....

i've learn about catia some of my works using catia....
first project...WORK BENCH.... :)   

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

my last sem work in dip.

i'm taking Diploma Art and Design in Fine Art at UiTM,Machang,Kelantan....
so...this is some of my artwork during last semester in diploma.....
the tittle of the artwork is 'The Colourful Life from the Sweets'


2 of this is my painting...using arcylic and oil paint on canvas              


               this is drawing...using watercolour pen on watercolour paper and frame it......


           and another of drawing.....using oil pastel,soft pastel,charcoal,colour pensil on canvas....

and...this my printing artwork...using silkscreen and then frame it....

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

novel best

 bru2 nie aku bru abes bce novel omputih dowh...first time aku bce novel omputih smpai abes...cipta rekod...wahhhhh...............first time bce novel rse mcm ngh tengok series die plak....aku search kat internet,author die siap ckp maybe novel nie diorng nk filemkn...bagos r...citer nie pn best ape...aku paling xsuke bce novel melayu yg sume yer citer pasal cinta...arrrghhh semak...tangkap meleleh jer sume...eeee geli aku...wekkkwekkk :P

haaa novel nie die amanda up wa ckp sama lu....n then novel nie ade smbungan die...xsabar rse nk bce novel smbungan die...rse mcm skang gak nk berlari gi popular bli novel2 nie....huhuhu

 nk bce novel2 nie...huhuhu

 continue with my artwork sem 3....rendering subject

 nie je artwork yg ade wat mse will to be continued............

Monday, 9 April 2012


during semester 2,i xmsok bngkel wat product mking..i just learn drawing subject n other this is drawing time sem 2...Prof.Hariri...his the best...already miss him
my artworkiah : Sem 2 ...sketching

   Idea transformation..from animal as subject matter

         This just designing product
                                                        using pensil n marker 'yoken'

using pen........................

title : futuristic


                      tittle : bottle

      yg nie mse awal2 sem kne a practice...boxes....
tools using pen.... be continued.....