Tuesday, 10 December 2013


it's just a number...FYI....hmmmmm :'(  bosan yerrrr rse....waiting someone but he keep on silence.....soooo shhhh....SILENCE! heeee..sedih...sadis....whteva!!
sooo ape kate kite throwback ckit waktu2 gumbira...just to cheer myslf...hihihihi
Time: IDE nite - 5/12/13
Tempat: TER......
sukerr2.....this is our last diner together....gonna be a memories....luv u guyzzzz

                                      we r besties....gonna miss u....muahhhh...

                 classmate everr...misss it...

                  gonna find this pic gorjesss!!hahahaha prasan....hehehe thkz pd yg amk... :) 

             lps diner gi diner kat luar lg....mengeteh....
             hehehe ok dh....tu je lahhh :) luvv yaa

 but still....keep on waiting........................

Saturday, 7 December 2013


k fine dh tibe mse yer kne update...cehhh wahhh...bz sngt ngn final smpai xsempat2 nk update....huhuhu
utk prjek final nie i pilih nk wat furniture tok children....sooo trhasil lah bnde alah nie k....i tlah design a multifunctional modular rack fr children....dimna i tlah menerapkan bentuk geometri songket di dlm design trsebut....oleh krna tema yg diberi adalah tema 'Terengganu'....dis modular rack bleh dletak kn kat dlm bilik kanak-kanak mahupun utk kegunaan di taska atau tadika...hehehehe :)

oleh sbb ianya brkonsepkn modular maka ianya memenuhi critiria easy to store, easy to fit wit evry environment, portable and space saving....soo ianya bleh digunakan oleh sume lapisan masyarakat dan sesuai diletakkan dmna2 tp asal kn kat lam umh laa yeaa...hehehe

dis rack juga tlh diberi nme....KiBo Rack....'Kibo' dlm bahasa Jepun membawa mksud 'Harapan'.....kerana apa i ltk nme yer gituww...haaaaa!!....hehehe oleh kerana motif utama rak nie adalah utk kegunaan kanak-kanak maka dgn kehadirannya ini kemungkinan dpt mmbri pngetahuan kpd mreka golongan kecil ini bertapa uniknya hasil tenunan tradisional songket yg semakin lupus dan dilupakan terutamanya dikalangan muda zaman kini..betol x ayat yer....hmmmm cmtu lah lebih kurang...hehehe

hmmmm smpai sni lu lahh....nti i citerrrr lg psl rak i nie k....hehehehe :)


Friday, 15 November 2013

oohh yea??...

ok fine...ble tngok safritah sayuti update blog tok gne bar code scanner nie soo kite kne update bnde bru tok blog nie gak laa ea...ooo k...fine...bru paham....lps nie sume2 dok men scan2 jer lahh...huhh giler scan laaa pas nie set2 nie...hahahaha poyoooo

sbb dh last sem nie bz sngt...xmenyempat nk update pape..so sementare free nie kn...hehehe mcm xcaye jer dh last sem rupe yer kite nie eakkk (mcm xcaye jekk..mcm bdk bru nk up jek update2 blog nie..puiihh)
dh nk abs dh rupe yer kite nie...tnggl bpe bln jer lg..debar lak rase yer nk tempuh dunia luar plak pas nie...

soo lps nie saye dgn humble yer ade sijil degree for industry design n xlupe gak sijil dip art design...aigooo...walaupn begitu saye msih bnyak lg bnde yg kne dipelajari lg rse yerr...sooo sbgai bdk bru dlm bidang2 nie saye akn brusaha sedaya saye tok mju pd mse akn dtg...soo wishh me luck...hihihi muahhh


Wednesday, 13 June 2012

the final

the last project....Final Car Trace....

the progress......

first :- masukkn gmbr black n white dlm sketch tracer

then :- untuk start sketch,msuk ke free style command...
 all part of car trace using 3d curve line...

then...for tires n rim part...using imagine n shape...

and for rendering...i put on part design command...

lastly..the render scene.......

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

credit for catia..toothy time

my newest project...using imagine n shape...made are cartoon!!!! wawww daebak!!
tp xdaebak mne pn...xjd sngat pn...i made cartoon Toothy happy tree friend....lalalalalala :)

owrait...comel x....ni lah Toothy saya yg cacat....SEKIAN.. :)

another credit for catia

4 second project,tracing car bonnet....n i trace bmw bonnet....whatever it is,i'll still learning... so it's not perfect at all... :)

wahhh daebak!!!!

catia workz.....

i've learn about catia already...here some of my works using catia....
first project...WORK BENCH.... :)